THE SLEEPERS by Sophie Calle | In one of Calle’s first artistic experiments, she invited friends, acquaintances, and strangers to sleep in her bed which she intended to be continuously occupied for eight days.

✼ news:
Get 20% off The Sleepers or anything else on the website (including limited editions!) through December with code HMMM. Choose USPS Priority or Ground Advantage by 12/16 for timely holiday delivery.
Suite Vénitienne by Sophie Calle | Intentionally losing herself in the labyrinthine streets of Venice, searching for Henri B., the city becomes a repository of her desires.
THE Hotel by Sophie Calle. | Working as a chambermaid, Calle stashes her camera and tape recorder in her mop bucket, sorting through and surveying the evidence of the guests’ lives.
Times Literary Supplement | THE HOTEL by SOPHIE CALLE: “Is there judgement in Calle’s photograph, and if so, who is being judged?” —Lauren Elkin
New Yorker | THE HOTEL BY SOPHIE CALLE: “What interests her most is the seduction and projection involved in knowing another person” —Lili Owen Rowlands
✼ ex libris:
What’s going to happen in the next four years? A 1600+ page cautionary tale… Clearly, not enough people are reading anymore.
“It Is What It Is” — Introduction by author Richard Kraft: “One of the English tabloid newspapers summed it up with its Cockney-rhyming slang headline: ‘No, it wasn’t a dream folks … THE WORLD REALLY IS DONALD-DUCKED’.”
Print this! | Richard Kraft invokes Alfred Jarry’s Ubu Roi to respond to the Trump Presidency: “And it’s your fault I’m stupid.”
✼ natalie’s upstate weather report:
october 23, 2024—a sojourn across the sea for the Small Publishers Fair in London! Our intrepid publisher has lugged three suitcases with the most minimum of clothing to maximize the books—almost 150 pounds of them. (For the lucky few, a first glimpse of Sophie Calle’s The Sleepers!)
[...]the improbable
No. 3 Lingual Music — IN THIS ISSUE & INTRO: Guest edited by Alex Balgiu and Chloé Gourvennec, this issue is a catalyst, a manifesto, a conversation across time, language and musical propositions.
✼ the improbable:
from Issue, No. 1 (Time Indefinite), “Dick Higgins, Publisher: Notes Toward a Reassessment of the Something Else Press Within a Small Press History” by Matvei Yankelevich: “To find connections between poetry, small press publishing, and the art scene of the early 1960s, one may look no further than Higgins’ own network.”
Intermedia, Fluxus and The Something Else Press: Selected Writings by Dick Higgins, edited by Steve Clay and Ken Friedman
the improbable
No. 1 Time Indefinite — TRACIE MORRIS: “There are intersecting communities of experimental artists … We are perpetually in conversation with each other across, time, space, beingness, perspective and geography”
Appreciation | JOSHUA BECKMAN AT POETs HOUSE: “My hope is to share some of the exuberance I have found … in the things Dick Higgins put in the world.”
List | Dick Higgins’s Something Else Press Lives On: A bibliography of Something Else Press reprints, facsimiles, etc. that evinces the enduring love for SEP